Top 8 Ways To Get Help And Solve Your Ubuntu Linux Problems !

I have been using Ubuntu which is an open source distribution from Linux OS since last 2 months now. Though I was aware of some basic and pro programming in this OS, I had some minor problems and difficulties installing some softwares and getting things right the way I wanted them to. I took help of many websites and after so many trial and errors, Now I am using Ubuntu happily.

If you are using windows, then you will surely find any urgent help you need but in Ubuntu or any other distribution of Linux, you will have to search a little but harder. I recommend you to use Ubuntu and if you might be a newbie, I am giving you some ways by which you can find help about your Linux installation. I am giving you 8 ways to get help to your problems and find an answer the easiest way you can. As usual, I will hope that you like the article and would love to share it to others :) enjoy !
Linux for human being
Ubuntu Linux
1. Google
As any tech expert like me would say : “For every question of life, There is a Google page” ! Whenever I get any problem in my laptop, the first internet page I open is Google and there is no wonder about that as it is the easiest way to get a solution in no time. So whenever you find any problem, you should look into Google first.
This user guide is actually a wikipedia page but it contains solutions to all the basic problems a newbie ubuntu user can face. It is a must read guide for a newbie user as it explains all the points from installing ubuntu to driver installation to installing your video and sound card as well.
If you have any quick question or you dont feel like registering on forum sites to ask your question, this service is for you. All you have to do is to install X-chat from ubuntu software center and then goto IRC channel which will connect you to Ubuntu servers and you can chat with the experts there. They will try their best to solve your problem in a quick session. Don’t forget to thank people who help you out there. They love it.
Ubuntu forums are also the quickest way to get help. Go through the topics already posted there and you may add your own question as well. But my advice will be to always follow Method No.1 as there might be chances that someone has already answered that question and you get it easily. You have to register to post your question as in every other forum site.
A Linux user group is where people meet to discuss their views, solve problems and help people about various topics and problems. They have been a very active and important part of Linux support for a long time. You can find an LGU near you on Google. You might be having one in your university or your around your work place.
Again, this is also the part of topic No.1 which includes everything. If you don’t find any suitable answer than you should know how to use Google to get search results according to your need.
7. Get Help from the Developers
For any software or application developed in the world anywhere, there will be some support available. The developer surely leave their email address anywhere by which you can contact them and get help. They would love it and will be ready to solve your problem because they know that their application is being used. Please don’t forget to say thanks to them and appreciate their work.
8. Report a Bug
if you don’t find any solution even after following all the above given steps, you should soon report it as a bug and the developers will look into it and give you more details about what could be done. If you are using such a great freeware like Linux, you should surely contribute by every possible way you can.
I hope you liked the article and will surely find a way to solve your any kind of problem about Ubuntu Linux. Feel free to leave a word of appreciation or any suggestion or any other way which you might want to include in this list. Thanks and cheers :)
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